Mode-Man - Denim special store

  • 2020-02-12
  • HIT : 141


" Made by hand without compromise "


The Japanese denim brand MOMOTARO JEANS was founded at Kojima Okayama in 2006, where is the birth place of Japanese domestic jeans. Artisan keep inherit the great techniques tradition and at coastal small town, Kojima. We believe “Jeans” are not only fashion items but also the tool for creating lifestyle.


Those who succeed in life take care of themselves and select only the best quality tools. Quality tools serve as encouragement toward self-betterment and attract good luck and success. Through our Okayama artisan spirit, we understand what denim is to its core, and our unwavering commitment to the intricate art of dyeing, weaving, sewing and washing, results in the highest quality “Jeans”.


In order to make life, living and the mind richer through jeans (tool), MOMOTARO JEANS is not just a fashion brand that simply offers the latest trends, we are a real clothing brand to be loved forever. For the enjoyable casual life of young-at-heart adults, for the artisans of life who march to the beat of their own drum, we offer jeans as real quality “tools”.



Why named “MOMOTARO”

“MOMOTARO” = ”Peach Boy”  is one of very famous fairytale in Japan, The “legend of MOMOTARO” has been passed generations. The legend’s origin are said to come from an “Ura” legend which was has been handed down in Soja-city, Okayama. And many places with mysterious history and culture, remain in Okayama.


Today, many people know “MOMOTARO” was born from a peach that came floating down a stream, rolling over and over. However the popular “legend of MOMOTARO” from the early Meiji period was actually a story of rejuvenation. In this version, MOMOTARO was not born from a peach, but was born to an old couple who ate the floating peach and regained their youth.


The rejuvenation version of the “legend of MOMOTARO” was a folk tale for adults and was born as a story representing dreams and vitality to expand from a small island nation across the vast ocean. Since ages long past, people have pursued their dreams in Okayama. MOMOTARO JEANS is also the story of hard-working denim artisans in Okayama pursuing their dreams to “deliver real jeans to the world.”






[ MOMOTARO ] Authorized Distributor : Mode-Man

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