Mode-Man - Denim special store

  • 2020-02-12
  • HIT : 135


" A brand that insists on being the best denim "


Insists on being the best denim.

Naked and Famous Denim is not just a brand that makes jeans. The brand focuses only on making perfect jeans and developing the world's best fabrics without resorting to colorful celebrity sponsorship or expensive advertising or campaigns. We don't make any washing denim, do nothing to damage the best fabric, and make the best denim with the best fabric and bring it to market at the most reasonable price.

Denim of Naked&Famous

Naked & Famous Denim uses only the finest Japanese selvedge denim fabrics because Japan is the only place in the world that is as passionate about denim as they are. Japanese selvedge fabrics have different characteristics depending on the weaving, and the fabric is made with the soul of the person who is proud of the highest degree of perfection recognized worldwide. Naked & Famous Denim visits a variety of fabric production factories in Japan and is actively involved in producing and developing new fabrics. This brand finds and develops the world's finest fabrics, finishes and sews in Canada to bring denim to the market.

The meaning of the logo

The brand name Naked & Famous is a satire of our celeb-obsessed culture. We aim to poke fun at “Hollywood”and “Glamour” brands that sell jeans for $300 and up solely because they are celebrity endorsed, and not because they are higher quality. Our logo is reminiscent of 1950’s Pop-Art. Early Pop-Artists depicted the “ideal blond” as a satire of mass media and mass culture, then fed it right back to them. We intend to do the same. We are probably the only luxury brand that is actually concerned with providing product VALUE to the end consumer.







 [ Naked&Famous ] Authorized Distributor : Mode-Man

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