Mode-Man - Denim special store

  • 2020-03-24
  • HIT : 132


" Clothes you want to wear after 10 years "



Launched in 2008 under the concept of "Clothes I Want to Wear Even After Ten Years," Odinnery Fitts is a brand with high quality conditions such as silhouettes, sewing, and texture of fabric based on its brand name. Their exceptional technology is widely popular in many countries as it is based on years of experience at its factory in Kojima, the birthplace of denim, and is creating clothing that will be part of the wearer's daily life, not clothes that are worn and thrown away in accordance with the fast fashion.


The Ordinary Fits #WHITE features a modern atmosphere differentiated from the casual atmosphere of the Standard Line with a new label for Korea. While maintaining the cheerful president, you can feel a simpler and cleaner fit. The original products of buttons, rivets, etc. were all employed, and are highly complete with strong and delicate seals.








[ORDINARY FITS]Authorized Distributor : Mode-Man

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