Mode-Man - Denim special store

  • 2020-04-10
  • HIT : 157



" The original beyond the original "



BUZZ RICKSON'S is a military wear retro brand made in Japan in the 1990s. In the late '80s, the Oriental company launched a flight jacket from the Sugar Cane brand and was attracted to a combination of cotton and other materials such as leather, wool ribs, and zippers, and the first thing it dealt with was a "TYPE B-15" four-back jacket. At that time, the flight jacket market did not have an item that reinterpreted the original specifications of the 'recovery', and the jacket was traded at a high price in the vintage market, 'TYPE A-2' and 'TYPE MA-1'. Sugar Kane's flight jacket, which was released in the hope of reproducing the charm of flight jackets and promoting them to many people, quickly sold out at the time, and it had a huge impact on the launch of a brand that re-created flight jackets, followed by the birth of a traditional military brand, Buzz RICKSON 'SON in 1993.


Buzz Rickson's (Buzzson) is a brand that seeks the history and pride of its 1993 Flight Jacket and is given the title of more original review beyond the original.
The retrofit is still used in the reproduction process on the basis of the MIL SPEC (standard set to withstand the harsh conditions of military use) at the time and is carefully organized to convey the true existence of flight jackets to every detail, from yarn spinning to fabric material to military parts to the entire form. It is loved for its quality beyond the original, reproducing all the charms of vintage's Flight Jacket with its original spirit.





 [ BUZZ RICKSON'S ] Authorized Distributor : Mode-Man


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